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Water conservation and efficiency in overhead tank systems

water conservation and efficiency in overhead tank systems

In response to the critical need for water conservation, India hasproactively launched multiple substantial initiatives to manage its waterresources effectively. The government notably initiated the Jal ShaktiAbhiyan in 2019. This nationwide campaign aims to enhance rainwater harvestingand strengthen water conservation measures, especially in the country'swater-stressed districts. It also aims at rejuvenating water bodies andencouraging afforestation. Also, there are ongoing watershed managementprograms. These programs strive to preserve water in rural areas, curtail soilerosion, and boost groundwater levels.


Efforts are also being made to restore traditional water bodies andstructures such as stepwells, ponds, and check dams. The restoration of thesestructures can significantly enhance local water availability. India has alsotaken steps to inform its citizens about the importance of water conservationthrough public awareness campaigns.


One area where significant improvements can be made is in themanagement of overhead tank systems. These systems, commonly used for waterstorage and distribution in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings,play a vital role in water conservation and efficiency. Here, we share some ofthe insights related to water efficiency and conservation in overhead water tank systems:


1. Rainwater harvesting


Rainwater harvesting stands as an effective method of conserving waterand reducing dependence on freshwater sources. Buildings fitted with systemsthat capture and direct rainwater into overhead tanks can utilise this easilyaccessible and cost-free resource for non-potable applications. Implementingrainwater harvesting doesn't just ease the strain on urban water supplies; italso contributes to the mitigation of stormwater runoff and erosion.


2. Dual plumbing system


A dual plumbing system segregates the water distribution into twoseparate lines: one for drinking water and another for non-drinking water. Thenon-potable water line, which could incorporate rainwater and repurposedgraywater, can be stored in an overhead tank for a variety of non-drinkingapplications. The implementation of a dual plumbing system allows buildings tomarkedly diminish their dependency on drinkable water resources.


3. Efficient distribution systems


The distribution network of an overhead tank is key in implementingeffective water conservation and efficiency strategies. It directs water flowand minimises wastage, making the network's efficiency vital. Adequate pipesizing and pressure regulation within the system can prevent supply issues andpotential leaks. Incorporating a strong leak detection system and conductingregular inspections and maintenance also ensure optimal performance,contributing to the prompt identification and resolution of potential problems.


4. Automation and level monitoring systems


In numerous overhead tank systems, excessive water usage or overflowoften leads to waste. The integration of level monitoring and automationtechnologies can optimise water use and curtailing wastage. Sensors designed tomonitor water levels can be fitted in the tank to keep precise track of thewater level and activate automatic shut-off procedures once the tank is filledto the desired capacity. This method not only stops overfilling but also removesthe necessity for manual intervention.


5. Upgrading and retrofitting


In existing buildings with outdated overhead tank systems,retrofitting and upgrading can be carried out to enhance water conservation andefficiency. Retrofitting typically involves the modification of existingequipment to incorporate new technologies or features. For instance, an oldoverhead tank system could be retrofitted with modern sensors and automationtechnologies that monitor water levels and prevent overflow. Other additionsmight include automatic shut-off valves or advanced filtration systems forrecycling water. Upgrading could include a more extensive overhaul of theentire system. This might involve replacing old, leak-prone pipes with new,more durable materials or improving the insulation around the tank to preventheat-related evaporation.


6. Proper water treatment to limit water wastage


In areas where water quality is a concern, incorporating watertreatment and purification systems in the overhead tank setup is essential.These systems can remove impurities, bacteria, and contaminants from the water,making it safe for various uses. By ensuring that the stored water meets therequired quality standards, buildings can avoid unnecessary wastage resultingfrom the rejection of contaminated water.


In addition to overhead water tanks, water towers play an importantrole in water distribution and emergency storage. They can indirectlycontribute to water conservation through various mechanisms. A water tower is araised structure that houses a water tank at a height adequate enough to createpressure for a water distribution system. This pressurised system is used todistribute potable water. Additionally, the water tower also serves as anemergency storage unit for fire protection purposes.


Looking forquality overhead water tank structure?


Explore our OverheadWater Tank Structure. We manufacture Jal Minar - a series of water tankstructures constructed from galvanised steel, designed to elevate your watertanks with durable, rust-resistant support. These steel structures, craftedfrom premium-grade raw materials, are built to last, providing a cost-effectivesolution. With a production capacity exceeding 1000 water tank structuresmonthly, we ensure rapid delivery times.

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